Toxic Plants and Pets

A green thumb and pets do not always mix. But with some pre-planning on the garden’s design and research into which plants are toxic to pets, the two can co-exist in relative harmony. More than 700 plants have been identified as having enough toxicity in them to harm pets. Symptoms …

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Pet Poison Prevention

Every year large numbers of pets end up in veterinarian surgeries due to accidental poisoning. With a few safety precautions you can stop your pet becoming another accidental poisoning statistic. Even the most innocent of substances can poison your pet. Onions, coffee grounds because of their high caffeine content, chocolate, …

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Electrical Safety for Pets

Just as with children, pets should be protected from electrical hazards around the household. This is particularly important with young animals such as kittens and puppies that are insatiably curious and inclined to chew anything they can get in their mouths. Small mammals with continuously growing teeth – such as …

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How to Create a Pet Friendly Garden

Just as it’s important to “pet-proof” your home, it is also important to check your garden and make sure that it does not harbour any dangers to your pets. You may not realise it but there can be many things that might be harmful to our pet dogs and cats …

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Keeping Pets Safe During Festive Holidays

Nothing will ruin the holiday season faster than having to make an emergency trip to the vet with your pet clutched in your arms and yet, every year, vets see many dogs and cats who have fallen foul of the hazards that come with the festive holidays. But with a …

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Safer Pets