Safe Dog Breeds for Children

So you’ve finally succumbed to the constant pleas of “Mummy, can we have a dog?” Or you’ve decided that a family pet would be ideal to teach your children responsibility and compassion. But if you’re thinking about adding a canine member to your family, which breed should you choose? There …

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Safe Dog Breeds for Large Families

Are you finally caving in to the never-ending pleas from your children that go something like this: “Can we get a dog? Please? Please? Can we get one?” Deciding to bring a dog into the family is just the start of a very long, and sometimes confusing decision-making process. This …

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Safe Reptile Choices

A vast array of reptiles are available on the pet market, some easier to care for than others. If you are a beginning reptile keeper start out with species that are easy to care for before advancing to some of the more difficult ones. This ensures your first attempts at …

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Safe Dog Breeds for Elderly People

While dogs for the elderly can be fantastic, helping to alleviate loneliness and boredom and even improve health, choosing the right canine companion can mean the difference between a joyful partnership or a relationship fraught with stress and anxiety – and possibly even injury. Many people immediately think of breed …

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Safe Bird Breeds

If you would like a pet but haven’t got the time or right situation for a typical “furry friend”, then a pet bird might be ideal. Not only are they fascinating, with their beautiful plumage and delightful song but they can provide hours of entertainment and affection for the whole …

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Top 10 Pet Safety Questions

While we all enjoy having pets in our lives, we do sometimes worry about safety issues around them, especially when children are involved. For example, many worry about the transmission of germs and disease from pets to humans; others worry about the chances of injury from pets – and of …

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Taking On a Rescue Dog

Why a Rescue? Everyone should experience the love and devotion of a dog and when deciding what type of breed would suit the family it should also be carefully decided where this new member of the family is coming from. Different Types A rescued dog can come from all sports …

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Safer Pets